Recruitment – ANZAC ALLIANCE


Welcome to ANZAC ALLIANCE [ANZA] (commonly known as ANZA) an EvE Online Corporation. It’s much easier to process you application by first getting onto our Discord server rather than chatting in game. Yell out to us when you get on Discord


Joining ANZA.

1. FIRST STEP – Adding your Characters to the Auth system (In Two Parts)
2. SECOND STEP – Create an Application to join ANZAC ALLIANCE
3. THIRD STEP – Setting up services/getting discord roles

1. FIRST STEP – Adding your Characters to the Auth system (In Two Parts)

Head to our Auth site and you will be welcomed with this screen. Log into your main eve account and enter your email address that you use.

Once done you will be taken to the main dashboard which should look like this

Part 1.
Next up add ALL other characters you have by clicking the add character button (yes, ALL characters including inactive characters. No excuses here people! Please see this video if you’re still unsure what we mean). Can’t remember an accounts details you can try and recover it here. Steam users will need to get an eve account name, see this article for details.

Once you have added all your characters if you need to change your main, click the change main button and select the character you want to be your main (usually the one with the most SP),

Part 2
Adding full ESI access to your characters

So you have added all your characters great! But you have only given us public facing permissions. For us to do our jobs and to review your application so you can join our wonderful community you need to give us FULL ESI PERMISSIONS.

To do so follow the below instructions:

On the dashboard click the Character Registration button

Once the page is loaded you will be welcomed with the below.

To add your character(s) click the BLUE + icon and register ALL your characters again for us to get full ESI access.

Once all your characters have green borders as shown below

and there is a GREEN TICK in the top right corner as above then you have registered all your characters for full ESI access and are ready to create your application.

***  HAVE YOU COMPLETED PART 2. (Adding full ESI access to your characters)  ***
           If not go back and complete BEFORE putting an application into ANZA

2. SECOND STEP – Create an Application to join ANZAC ALLIANCE

You’re ready to go and create your application. To start with, head back to the dashboard and click the applications button.

Once the page is loaded click the create application button to begin creating your application to Anzac Alliance.

Once the page has loaded click ANZAC ALLIANCE to bring up the application form.

On the application form fill out each question with as much information as possible. If you have had any dealings on the character bazaar, please supply links of your sales/purchases. Please note any applications we feel are low effort will get a low effort response from us and will be immediately closed. The recruitment team put a lot of effort into their recruitment work and we expect applicants to at least put effort in making their applications

Once you have filled out all of the questions with as much information as possible and are happy with what you have written click the submit button to save the application.

Congratulations, your application to ANZAC ALLIANCE has been submitted and is now in our queue for processing. Sit back, relax and wait for 1 of the team to get to the application, any questions from the team regarding your application will be asked on Discord, so make sure you are on Discord, better still, let us know you have filled out the application on Discord.

Application status

This section will cover the various status of your application.

PENDING: Your application is currently in the queue, please be patient.

REJECTED: This could mean 1 of 2 things, either your application was closed because you did something wrong and may need fixing before we can continue your application, or your application was rejected, please contact the team for more information.

ACCEPTED: Congratulations your application has been successful and an invite should be pending for you in game.

Put your things in order
It is recommended to store or sell any assets you don’t intend to move down to delve. We have the 3rd largest market in the game and the majority of available things can be sourced there. There are services available to new members to move stuff from high sec if they wish. Details of this are on the forums.

PLEASE NOTE – If you own a super capital class vessel or have a character that is logged off in imperium space in any capital class vessels please contact a recruitment officer on our discord as we may be able to assist. If you own a capital class vessel (dreads, carriers or rorqs) outside of delve we will be unable to assist. The ANZA recruitment team CANNOT help you move a capital from god knows where to delve so don’t waste your time asking us.

Get somewhere safe
The Goonswarm Federation is always at war with the high sec war dec groups. Accepting your invite in places like Jita are a good way to get killed on undock pretty quickly so it is recommended to accept your invite away from the trade hubs if you’re still in high sec space.

Accepting your invite
Finding your invite can be a pain if you don’t know where to look. To find it in game navigate the neocom to social and then click the corporation button.

Once open go to recruitment and the my applications tab, your Anzac Alliance invitation should be here. If not please contact a member of the team.

Getting to Delve
Once you have accepted your invite you can either fly down to delve in something like a nullified travel fit interceptor or a shuttle but beware of smart bomb camps if you take a shuttle. Alternatively you can remotely change your home station to 1DQ1-A if it’s not already on cooldown and just death clone straight to the station.

All new member are to go to 1DQ1-A and set up their PVP ships and Clone for all Alliance/Corp PvP activities. Once this has been completed then you can head on over to our Corp mining, Industry and ratting hub which is located in PS-94K.

It is very important members set up with Alliance Doctrine ships in their hanger in 1DQ1-A before they get settled at PS-94K.

3. THIRD STEP – Setting up services/getting discord roles

1: To acquire member roles on our discord, do the following. Return to the ANZAC ALLIANCE Auth dashboard and click the Groups button. Once the page is loaded click on the Member ‘Request‘ button and TELL US you have completed this stage so we can accept you.

2: Click on the Services button, then click on the Discord Action tick box as seen below.

3: Upon accepting your invite, you will automatically receive an in game mail which will give detailed instructions on how to register on the alliance services (Forums, Mumble and Jabber/Pidgin) which are required to stay in ANZAC ALLIANCE, if you’re stuck feel free to ask in discord.

4. Posting on the Alliance forums

Go spam post in this thread within 48 hours coming into Corp, this is tracked at an Alliance level. Please don’t make us ask you to do this.